While the AND is primarily designed to give definitions
for words found in medieval British literary and administrative texts, what it
can also do is offer us insights into the linguistic reality of a medieval,
multilingual Britain. While the tradition (and erroneous) view was that only
the nobility used Anglo-Norman, while the other classes remained Anglophone,
research by a number of scholars has shown that there was considerable
interaction between Anglo-Norman and other languages during the period, and
that a number of individuals were literate in multiple languages. An analysis
of lexical borrowings into Anglo-Norman can offer some clues about the circles
in which the language circulated.
The AND has a set of language tags that it adds to
entries when the editors consider that the word is a borrowing from another
language and not fully naturalized. It's not a comment on the etymology of the
word, but more of an acknowledgement by the editors that the word retains some
of the features of the source language (though the use of these tags, like that
of the original semantic tags, has been inconsistent and needs systemic
The vast majority of borrowings into Anglo-Norman
come from Latin and Middle English, which is to be expected, as these would be
the languages most commonly used. It may seem unexpected to indicate borrowings
from Latin, when Anglo-Norman is a language derived from Latin. We tend to use
this language tag for words, or variants, which seem to be drawn directly from
Latin, rather than having undergone the normal Romance morphological and
phonological evolution.
While a certain amount of borrowing from Latin and
Middle English is not unexpected, the AND has noted the presence of borrowings
from a number of other languages. The dictionary includes words derived from
Anglo-Saxon, Arabic, Dutch, Gascon, Germanic, Greek, Hebrew, Irish, Italian,
Mongolian(!!), Spanish and Welsh. These can also form compounds with
Anglo-Norman words, and as such we have compound tags, such as Germanic and
A.F. (confusingly, we use A.F. for ancien français and not A.N.) We will be
discussing each of these languages in future blogs - one on ME borrowings, one
on Latin borrowings, one on Greek, Arabic and Hebrew; one on Romance
borrowings; and one on Celtic borrowings. But what about Mongolian?
There are two entries in AND so tagged: cumant#1 and galahoth. Both of these entries are illustrated with citations
drawn from Jean de Mandeville's Le livre
des merveilles du monde, a fictitious account of travels in the East.
seems to describe a type of hat worn by the Great Khan. The MED also includes galaoth from the ME
translation or the text, and defines it as 'diadem worn by a Tartar emperor'.
ouste sa galahoth qe siet sur sa teste en guyse d’un chapeau de feutre, qe est
fait d’or et des pierres preciouses et de grosses perles Mandeville 401
('he removed his 'galahoth' which sat on his
head like a felt hat, which was made of gold and precious stones and large
BL Add. MS 42130 |
The Lexis of
Cloth and Clothing project includes an entry on this hat, but suggests that our
Mongolian tag might be optimistic. Under galahoth we find the
suggestion that the word may in fact be derived from the name Gilead: "It may in some way be
related to galeola, Latin diminutive of galea 'helm', and also the Latin
adjective galeatus 'helmed'. It is possible that the word was 'exoticised' in
form under influence of a name (e.g., common medieval spellings of Biblical
Gilead in various medieval texts include galaath, galaoth, etc.)."
The word is not included in other dictionaries of medieval French,
though there are similar terms suggestive of an etymological link. The DMF
includes an entry galiot#3, drawn
from another version of Mandeville's text, describing a similar type of hat:
Et l'empereur les fait venir devant lui [les religieux d'une procession], et oste contre la crois
son galiot [même mot que galeros ?], qui siet sur son chief en signe de chapeau, qui tous
est d'or et de pierre precieuses (Vers. liég. Livr. Mandeville T.R., c.1375-1390, 134).
('And the emperor had them come
before him and removed the cross from his 'galiot', which sat on his head like
a hat, which was completely of gold and precious stones')
The DMF also includes an entry for galeros, attested once in a text from
the late fifteenth-century, with the meaning of 'leather hat with the insignia
of Mercury':
...nous commancerons a son chief [de la statue de Mercure], qui est couvert d'un habillement de cuir que les
Grecz appellent "galeros", en signifiance que
la planecte de ce nom est de petite apparence entre les corps celestes (Hist. prem. destruct. Troie R., c.1470-1480, 66).
('we began at the head (of the statue of Mercury), which was covered by a
leather item of clothing that the Greeks call 'galeros', to signify the planet by
this name which has a small appearance among the celestial bodies')
This term may then
derive from the Classical Latin galerus
(FEW IV,29b 'kappe'; DMLBS galerus
'head-covering, hat'). Not as interesting of an etymology as one derived from
Mongolian, but perhaps a bit more likely.
Cumant is used twice by
Mandeville and appears to refer to the concept of 'ten thousand':
Cele cité vaut trop au seignur du pays, qar il y ad touz les aunz de rente
de celle cité, si come sils de la cité dient, LMilz cumanz des florins
d’or. Qar ils acomptent la touz par cumanz, et vaut chescun cumant Xmil florins Mandeville 365
('This city was very valuable to
the lord of the country as every year the rents from the city, as those from
the city say, amount to .L. thousand 'cumants' of gold florins. For they count
the totals by 'cumanz' and each 'cumant' is of the value of ten thousand
The same concept is expressed in other versions of the text through the
term tumau. The DMF links this
term to that of toman, found in Marco's Polo's book, from a Persian word. tūmān, used to denote ten thousand. It seems likely that we
should understand the word cumant and
toman as being the same word, as
confusion between the letters 'c' and 't' is quite common in medieval scripts.
It appears then that our Mongolian tag is in error upon further
evaluation of the two terms and there doesn't seem to have been contact between
the two languages (unsurprisingly!) However, we do seem to have uncovered a
borrowing from Persian and will need to add a new tag to reflect this origin! [hap]
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